The kind

An online program to help leaders create a culture of kindness in their organization which in turn allows them to make their own lives easier & have stronger, healthier teams that aren’t fractured by preventable difficulties.



  • Greatly reduce your personal stress, frustration, and anxiety
  • Build a tightly-knit team that operates with little friction
  • Curtail employee turn-over
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Massively improve outcomes
  • Gain a peaceful working environment & the ability to finally relax

How It Works

Online Program

Watch the videos and follow the expert advice from anywhere in the world at any time to create a culture of kindness without compromising your authority.

Proven Plan

Success is not a stroke of luck. Follow proven and actionable strategies to get your team back on track and make things easy on yourself.

Expert Support

Your mentor will be available to answer your questions and provide you with any support that you may need throughout the entire process

Who It's For

Micah’s Program is exclusively for managers, administrators, executives, and other leaders who are looking to make their own lives easier and have stronger, healthier teams that aren’t fractured by preventable difficulties.

Why It Exists

Many leaders find themselves leading, “by the seat of their pants,” and often don’t know where to start to gain the respect and admiration of their team. As a result, they default to positional leadership tactics that typically create a culture of fear and mistrust.



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Leading Expertise At

Your Fingertips

My name is Micah, medical software executive, remote work expert, and public speaker. I teach leaders how to make their life easy by making life easy for others.

During my career I have witnessed hundreds of leaders struggle with their teams and other areas of leadership. What I have learned from these encounters is that leaders can often get bogged down in the difficulties and have trouble finding a way to get their teams back on track. As a result, their teams begin to suffer from discord, disgruntlement, high-turnover and the list goes on.

I have taken my nearly 30 years of leadership experience in 3 different (Medical Software, I.T., and Non-profit/Religious) industries and created a simple but actionable framework for leaders, that helps them create a culture of kindness in their organization which in turn allows them to begin to make it easy on themselves and their teams.

My program teaches leaders how to prioritize kindness without compromising authority, creating a culture of kindness; ultimately making their, and their team’s, lives easier. 

Micah Jones


Would you like to create a culture of kindness and

unlock your team’s potential? This is for you!

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